If you’d like to be involved with this fantastic event, there are many ways you can be! Please reward below to find out how you can participate.
Become a Stall-Holder
If you’re a retailer and you’d like to exhibit at this amazing event, please get in touch by emailing traders@bvcweekend.co.uk with the name and a brief description of your business and if possible a link to a website/Facebook page. There are limited spaces available and they’re filling up quickly, so if you’re interested please don’t hesitate to express your interest!

Charity Stall-Holder
If you’d like to represent a charity and raise funds for your cause, we have limited spaces for charity stalls/exhibits. Given the nature of the event, we’d like to encourage all charity stalls to provide games or entertainment in order to raise money for the charity. The more memorable the stall the better! Stalls for charities are free of charge, please contact charities@bvcweekend.co.uk for more information and to apply.
Food & Drink
If you’re interested in selling your food or drink at our fantastic event, please contact food@bvcweekend.co.uk for more information!

General Enquiries
For any general enquiries or questions that aren’t answered on our FAQ page, please send an email to enquiries@bvcweekend.co.uk.